Blackberry Curve 8320 vs Nokia E71x

After trying out both phones on great deals that AT&T is offering currently (refurbished both at $9.99) i was compelled to purchase a couple of handsets for myself. And i have to say that Nokia’s E71x beats Blackberry Curve 8320 in almost every aspect for a non-enterprise user. From great pictures quality to allowing most applications to be run on wifi without a dataplan, i would give Nokia e71x two thumbs up.

When i say apps not running under Curve, i mean apps that most casual users would love to see them working easily using wifi without dataplan. For instance, any of the google apps fail to work (was able to make google voice work though). You have to use browser to navigate all the way to the gmail page to have it work. On the other hand, Opera mini keeps on trying to connect to some local server that they have been using as proxy to probably overcome some other short-coming.

I didn’t run in to any such issues with Nokia E71x, and would recommend any one that is trying to buy these phones because of wifi to look thoroughly at what apps do work on either of them before they buy any.


Just my 2 cents.

Create BlackBerry applications with open source tools

FIX: You experience very slow performance on an initial request to an ASP.NET Web site after you change the App_Code folder, the bin folder, or the Global.asax file

Doesn’t seem like most people know about it as i have not seen any blog posts in relation to this.

Works beautifully for the most part and i have actually dropped in .dll’s on our production server from time to time without any performance issues.

It’s been long overdue. Doesn’t speed up compilation, rather it compiles the files in a smart way now.

FIX: You experience very slow performance on an initial request to an ASP.NET Web site after you change the App_Code folder, the bin folder, or the Global.asax file

Retrieve Stored Procedure's parameters using SMO


I was trying to find something that I could use to retrieve stored procedure's parameters so that I won't have to write out the statements for my sproc parameters  every time I have to create one. Here is something that I just did to create statements to add parameters for stored procedures that could be copied over and dumped in a method.

using System;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;

namespace SMOApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection("_dev");
conn.LoginSecure = true;
//conn.Login = "";
//conn.Password = "";
Server svr = new Server(conn);

Database myDB = svr.Databases["_TOOLS"];

foreach (StoredProcedure sp in myDB.StoredProcedures)
if (sp.Name == "s_insert")
Console.WriteLine("public static IDataReader SelectRecords(string userEmail)");
Console.WriteLine("string sqlCommand = \"" + sp.Name + "\";");
Console.WriteLine("DbCommand dbCommandWrapper = database.db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand);");
foreach (StoredProcedureParameter param in sp.Parameters)

Console.WriteLine("database.db.AddInParameter(dbCommandWrapper, \"" + param +
"\", DBType." + param.DataType + ", " + param.ToString().Replace("@", "") + ");");

Console.WriteLine("return database.db.ExecuteReader(dbCommandWrapper);");



Scripting Database Objects using SMO (Updated) -


  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum.dll

Scripting Database Objects using SMO (Updated) -

AMD CodeAnalyst" for Windows®

"The following major new features have been added in the AMD CodeAnalyst Performance Analyzer v2.8 for Windows:

  • Supports new performance monitoring events. provided by the newest addition to our processor line up, the AMD Turion™ X2 Ultra (AMD Family 11h) processors.
  • Windows developers get additional convenience because this version is fully integrated into the Microsoft® Visual Studio 2008 environment. AMD CodeAnalyst is invoked directly through Visual Studio, so profile data from the AMD CodeAnalyst tool is visible as a tab in Visual Studio. Instead of having to switch back and forth between Visual Studio and a separate AMD CodeAnalyst application, developers can modify, compile and profile code, examine the profile data, and go back to make further modifications, all within the same environment.
  • Process filtering and core affinity control for targeted process

AMD CodeAnalyst" for Windows®

dev \ efor

dev \ efor is the Visual Studio plug-in that helps you monitor your development progress

dev \ efor

Top and Order By Combination - SQL Server knowledge center

"View object is a table expression (in sql server 2005 and above); and if you specify ORDER BY clause, the result would not be a table expression but ANSI SQL cursor statement. SQL Server 2005 and later version put View objects as pure table expression so that they will ignore TOP…ORDER BY combination in View."

Top and Order By Combination - SQL Server knowledge center

Microsoft Virtual Labs - MSDN Virtual Lab: Application Validation through Unit Testing

After completing this lab you'll be better able to:

  • Generate unit tests from existing code
  • Author unit tests based off pre-existing assemblies
  • Use data to drive the unit tests
  • View the test results
  • Enable code coverage and examine how well the unit tests are exercising the assembly under test


Microsoft Virtual Labs - System Check

Microsoft Virtual Labs - MSDN Virtual Lab: Building an Application with ASP.NET MVC

After completing this lab you'll be better able to:

  • Create a controller
  • Display data from a model
  • Generate links
  • Handle HTML forms

Microsoft Virtual Labs - System Check

Ramadan - What is it?

  Ramadan is one of the most important and holy months in the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection fo...